The Magic In Your Making Call

The Magic In Your Making Call


sat nam

are you trying to manifest something, or call in new energy to you life, maybe your trying to have a deeper understanding of who you are and why you are here; that is where the magic in the making call comes in, the call works in two different formats, we can do 3 weeks of calls setting up your year ahead, or we can do 3 calls for 3 months setting up monthly manifestations for each month. Okay so what happens on the call: 20 minutes of meditation followed by 25 minutes of tarot and astrology based off what you want to manifest, YES! even you want manifest clarity. during these calls we connect to spirit and god through prayer, we ask for guidance and we set up tangible steps and things for you to do based off astrology. to work with you and help connect you deeper to your soul, is the biggest blessings and if you feel called I would love to do this with you, a million blessings to you.

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